Test Scores: Since 2014, proficiency in reading, writing, and math has dropped to at or below the state average, which is the lowest in the nation.

No Accountability: Cajon Valley has the 2nd highest-paid Superintendent in San Diego County, but produces the lowest test scores.

Fiscal Irresponsibility: In 2023, nearly $1 million was allocated to lavish parties, questionable contracts, and travel for senior staff.

Lack of Transparency: The Board President regularly schedules “Special Meetings” at inconvenient times for the community with inadequate notice to pass major policies and approve questionable expenses.

Lack of Community Involvement: Parent/community advisory committees are all but nonexistent. Community involvement in policy updates is limited to public comment during Board Meetings.


Comprehensive Audit: Initiate a comprehensive, independent, public audit of the last five years to understand where every cent has come from and where it has gone. Taxpayer money should go to teachers and students, not lavish travel and conferences.

Fight for Parent’s Rights: Enforce the recently passed Parent’s Bill of Rights and fight back against the State of California’s efforts to limit the rights of parents to guide their children’s education and make important healthcare decisions.

Parent/Community Advisory Committees: Establish official committees comprised of members of the community (Curriculum, Audit, Budget, Finance, Facilities, Board Policy) to advise the Board of Trustees.

Fiscal Responsibility: District staff will no longer have the ability to enter into contracts of more than $5,000 without prior approval of the Board of Trustees.

Superintendent Accountability: Superintendent pay will be based on student performance. The Board will establish a public evaluation process consistent with applicable law.